Orange prices hit records in 2024, hopefully it will stabilize soon

Orange prices experienced significant fluctuations in 2024, and several factors are influencing predictions for 2025. Factors like weather conditions, diseases (such as citrus greening), and harvest yields play crucial roles in determining supply. Strong demand, especially from the orange juice industry, can drive prices up, particularly when supply is limited.…

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Nayara Bocas del Toro (Isla Frangipani)

Nayara Bocas del Toro is an resort located on Isla Frangipani in Bocas del Toro, Panama, the Caribbean coast. The length and width of the island's land area are around 300mX200m and 350x450m if infrastructure is included. The island is located about 11 km south of Bocas del Toro. It…

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Yanuyanu Munia Cikobia islands GALLERY

Yanuyanu Island gallery Munia Island gallery Cikobia Island gallery >> Here is our Yanuyanu Munia Cikobia islands blogpost <<

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Pinaki Atoll VIDEOS

Here are three short videos (less than one minute each) about Pinaki Atoll (blogpost about it is here ).

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Cave Cay Gallery


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