Great Keppel Island issues

(About Great Keppel Island here ) As one of the most famous islands in Queensland, Great Keppel Island is not without issues as well. Here we have an example of potential risk and treat for the environment, and this is just one of many examples, not just in Australia…

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South Molle Island

South Molle Island is part of the WhitSundays group of islands. Its area is 1151 acres (4.66km2), maximum length / width 3.2km by 2.6km. The first resort on it was founded as early as 1937. In 2016, it was sold to a Chinese company for $ 26 million. By the…

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Whitehaven Beach

Whitehaven Beach is a 7 km long beach in Whitsunday Island, Queensland. The beach is known for its crystal white silicate sands (a type of quartz) and bright blue waters. That beach is maintained, and smoking is prohibited on it, as are dogs. Unlike ordinary sand, the sand on this…

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[YOUTUBE VIDEO] Global Reef Expedition: Great Barrier Reef

This is episode from The Global Reef Expedition, about Great Barrier Reef, and studying sharks around barrier reef. They also visited shortly French Polynesia to see sharks in their natural feeding behavior. Scientists also documented many dead corals because of climate changes which is alarm to the world!

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Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world. The reef is located in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland in northeastern Australia. It covers a length of over 2,300 km and an area of ​​about 344,400 km2, and can be seen from space. The…

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Australia – Pacific part (problems)

In Australia, Queensland is an area that is located in the tropical Pacific. It is the northeastern part, which covers a huge area. The Coral Islands also belong to Australia, halfway between Australia and New Caledonia. Norfolk Island as well, which is halfway to New Zealand. A little southeast of…

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