Good news! The academic council at Teacher’s University just accepted my ,,idea project”/conceptual project for masterwork thesis. The name of the thesis in literal translation is ,,Games in the summer period with children of younger school age”, and yes, partially is related to this blog and type of work since part of it will cover games on tropical islands.
Mr. Vladimir Momčilović (his professional biography and works are here https://www.npao.ni.ac.rs/uciteljski-fakultet/1629-vladimir-momcilovic/1629’vladimir-momcilovic ) was present on the scientific meeting when they discussed my project to approve it. Today, we discussed this all, and about this blog, and the group I moderate, and similar subjects. Oh, and the drink in the picture is squeezed grapefruit, as we were in tropical style (and also promoting a healthy way of life and drinks during summer hot period)