As we mentioned recently here we just opened ,,Dani Bananice” officially today. I just made new ,,Featured Islands” list which includes Snata Catalina Island, 28 Acres Barbary Beach parcel, East Morgan Key, Beachfront House, and Pine Island. As usual, our lists include various assets from different parts of the world, and they are being promoted both here and in group ,,Private Islands for Sale” for double promotion. Check out our Featured Islands Gallery for more assets.
Also, as noted before, expect more activity in the group during next week as we celebrate anniversaries. More stuff will come, I have some plans for the weekend and next week! Also, check this out
When you type in Google ,,blog about tropical islands” this blog should appear very first. When you type ,,private islands for sale group” our group will appear in the middle of the first page, and my blogpost as well right behind! That is great success!

Today, in the late morning Sonja and I met with professor Vladimir Momčilović (in tropical style) to speak about various stuff, including this thematic. We opened ,,Dani Bananice” fest with him, and Vladimir was sharing his knowledge with us about coral protection around islands, various tribes in Africa, and tribal life, health, and sports way of life. It was really interesting to listen to all of this and to enhance my knowledge since some of it will go into my masterwork (as it is partially related to this subject).