Pineapple Demo font used by blog

Since our blog exists officially from 26. April 2020, we immediately decided to create a logo. And font for logo is used by Mans Greback. Its name is Pineapple Demo. That is a professional font (those fonts are paid) and we got special permission to use it for logo and other stuff needed here, as we are not making any money (we are an educational blog). For almost two years you cannot see this font in the blog anywhere except in the logo (and a few private invitations for my tropical parties). However, since our blog articles appear on Google’s first page for over 30 islands   and our logo will be more visible, I feel obligated to make a small review for this font. (this is the only custom font we ever use here for now)

That Pineapple Demo font is amazing. Very nice tropical themed font! When put somewhere to describe some picture, it adds a tropical vibe to it. I chosed to use green color on black background for better effect. Have in mind that those are most of letters, and there are still more special characters which this font supports! I find it awesome that I have our 5 latin letters Čč Šš Đđ Žž Ćć, so I can use it for our invitations on Serbian language! Very nice, I am satisfied. The only drawback I would like to mention (or bad point) is that I do not have an option for Serbian cyrilic letters (Аа Бб Вв Гг Дд Ђђ Ее Жж Зз Ии Јј Кк Лл Љљ Мм Нн Њњ Оо Пп Рр Сс Тт Ћћ Уу Фф Хх Цц Чч Жж Шш), because I wanted to use this font in some places in my masterwork on graduattion. And we should use cyrilic letters in public documents here. However, it is understandable, as Mans do not have customers from these regions. I will rate this font 5/5 and more of his fonts can be seen at his site