Bird Island (Belize)

Bird Island is a very small island near Placencia, Belize. Its size is that small that now it is completely surrounded by structures. The Island's beach and some of the vegetation are in the middle, looking like a garden. Regardless of this, that islet looks adorable. Its length/width (from the…

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Some of the aspects that affect the price of islands

Greetings! This night I was talking with one man in a group I moderate, Private Islands for Sale. Guy asked me about my opinions, and if the price of his island is big or not. I cannot say who was it or which island was it of course, since it…

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Caribe Cay

Caribe Cay is a small island in the Bahamas. Its size is 1 acre (4046 m2), and max dimensions are 80mX80m (its diagonal is around 100m). This islet has ,,natural addon" attached to it (which is long about 55m), making a good beach and safe harbor at the same time…

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Zopango Island

Zopango Island is small islet in Nucaragua. It is located in famous Lake Nicaragua. Yes, while we prefer (as majority of people) sea islands, I could not resist this one. Lake Nicaragua is the biggest lake in Central America (long over 160kms), and has numerous islands of various sizes, but…

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Ambient tropical beach and wave sounds

Greetings! For those who cannot for some reason to visit and enjoy tropical beaches or islands to listen waves and birds, we found some youtube videos which you can play from here to listen anywhere! Good for relaxation.…

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Cheapest private island until now

I found it accidentally, and could not resist, I have to inform people. If this is still valid of course. This small islet is 0.14 acre (566m2), its maximum length/width is 45mX20m, and is separated by the main island of Roatan (Honduras) via a small channel. It costs only 84…

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