Blog Update 1-March-2024

Hello! We have good news and big updates! 1. We recently added a language translation option to the blog, you will see ,,Translate" button at the top right part of the blog, and once you click on it, just click on the flag representing language, and the whole blog with…

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Amin Bensalem Interview

Ladies and gentlemen! After some time, I present to you a new interview, this time with Amin S. Bensalem from Belize. He is an experienced luxury real estate specialist, who worked with HBO and Netflix as well, and works with site ,,Islands Belize Sale". He sells multiple assets (all in…

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Motu Mauu

Motu Mauu is an island in Arutua Atoll, French Polynesia, the South Pacific. Its size is 31,4 acres (127232 m2), and its maximum length/width is about 2kmX460m. Motu Mauu is located on the north side of Arutua Atoll, about 8,5km northwest of Arutua's airport. It is around 17kms northwest of…

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Tablas Island Beachfront for sale

Pedro L. Diagnice, a member of our facebook group ,,Private Islands for Sale" is selling a beachfront plot in Tablas Island, Philippines. Here are quote and images of his assets. Beach Lot for Sale! Long White Beach Total lot area 9000sqm. Price: 4,500k Php per sqm ,owners price No mark…

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,,Islands Belize Sale” site

Recently in Facebook group ,,Private Islands for Sale" appeared a new member/page named Islands Belize Sale. As the name suggests they sell islands in Belize. They promoted this resort on sale in the group They are offering more islands on their website here:

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3 atolls on sale in French Polynesia

Sometimes in French Polynesia, you can buy not just an island/motu but the whole atoll as well! Currently, on the James Edition site, there are three atolls on offer for sale: Nengo Nengo, Manuhanti, and Anuanurunga. And we wrote a while ago about all three atolls in our posts. Here…

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Blog news – 31. January 2024.

Hello people! This time we got little ,,renovation, reparation, and preparation" on our menu to be more functional and easier to navigate. Now, we have a new few blog categories with their subcategories, like this: BLOG INFO category with subcategories: Blog News, About Us, Credits EDUCATIONAL INFO category with subcategories:…

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Little French Key Resort on sale

According to Private Islands Inc this island in Roatan (Honduras) is on the market right now Its fully equipped, 3.50 Acres in size and its price is ,,Upon Request".  

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Some of cheaper islands in Panama

Recently, at Private Islands Online a few of the cheap and small islands in Panama appeared on the market, so I will list them here for members of ,,Private islands for Sale" group to see them in case that someone may be interested. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________…

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US Virgin Islands plan to build its first artificial reef to protect itself from heavy storms

As climate change takes its toll and the effects get worse, many countries developed their own various strategies to adapt or at least lower consequences. In this case United States Virgin Islands. That Caribbean state is planning to build its own artificial coral reef as possible protection for severe storms. …

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