Blog Update 1-March-2024

Hello! We have good news and big updates!

1. We recently added a language translation option to the blog, you will see ,,Translate” button at the top right part of the blog, and once you click on it, just click on the flag representing language, and the whole blog with great precise (although not 100% precise) will be translated into that language. Whatever post you click next it will be automatically translated until you click on Translate>Flag to translate it again! I set this up primarily for Serbian language support for my people there and especially in schools as I sometimes show blog articles to the kids. Yes, our blog is shown and known in some schools as well.

2. We recently purchased Pineapple font which we have been using for years (with permission from its creator, great artist Mans Greback), so now it is bought and our official custom font that we plan to use in many projects.

Not just that, Mans and I were working to bring a Cyrillic version of this font which looks awesome!

3. We just little redesigned appearance, as this font is applied to categories and post names in both PC and mobile versions. We also added a new subcategory ,,Inteviews” and a page named ,,Our Allies” both under ,,Blog Info” Category. Also, our background (those green tropical leaves) is now fixed in position. Since our last update which broke many things, including galleries, and post-row appearance, most of the things are fixed, but some minor bugs can be expected.