Solving problems

Solving problems is often a lengthy process, and it takes a lot of effort to see some results. Environmental movements, agencies and states have invested a lot of effort and money to protect nature in the islands, protect atolls, reefs and the aquatic world as much as possible. Through laws…

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About Scientific literature

This is Scientific literature category.  Here we write about some online books, researches and similar, regarding tropical islands (for example, a book about atolls, research about pollution on islands, ecosystem etc...). And when possible, we post links if anyone wants to see and download.

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About problems and solutions

In this category we write about ecological problems and their solutions in the islands (some direct examples of ecological disasters, some direct examples of solving, healing etc...)

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About Ecological Education category

This is Ecological Education category. Here we put some scientific information, terms, definitions and explanations (for example, what is an atoll, coral, plankton...)

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The most common tropical fruits on islands

I was in the botanical garden in Vienna, so I saw some of tropical vegetation there. Here are some of the most common and famous fruit that grow on tropical islands: (Coconut palms at Pinaki Atoll and lot of coconuts for kopra on AkiAki Island, French Polynesia) Cocos Nucifera or…

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Ecosystem on atolls and islands

The ecosystem represents the unity of biocenosis and biotopes. The living community in nature must occupy some space where members of that community meet their needs: moving, taking food, breathing, finding shelter and protection, etc. This area is called biotope and is inhabited by members of the respective biocenosis. Biocenosis…

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Common types of islands

Islands can be volcanic and coral origin. Usually there are two types, islands on the atoll which are flat up to a few meters above sea level, they are actually at sea level. But isolated islands that are flat, have their own reef, and coral sand deposits that accumulate over…

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Basic types of atolls

Atolls always have a lagoon, reef with or without islands. They can also be partially submerged. The lagoon can be opened and closed. An open lagoon has one or more aisles that supply water to the lagoon. There are various fish passing there, and people use it for navigation, if…

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Plankton – Basics

Plankton exists in all possible shapes and sizes. The smallest forms are like bacteria, and they are phytoplankton. There are tiny zooplankton as well, but also those which can be up to 9 meters long, like some jellyfish that cannot swim actively, but just float with electricity, and count as…

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Corals – Basics

Corals (Anthozoa) are incandescent bulbs that have only the form of polyps, solitary or colonial, but always sessile (attached to the substrate). Their body is cylindrical in shape with a mouth opening in the shape of a crack around which the tentacle wreath is. The oral opening is located at…

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