Coronavirus, bushfires and mass coral bleaching in Australia affect islands

As the situation because of recent catastrophic bushfires could not be worse, coronavirus hit Australia as well, causing lots of problems and paralyzed progress of recover (making it even worse because people were forced to focus on the fight against corona). Bushfires in Australia are a widespread and regular occurrence…

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Desperate virus-free Pacific island nations considering to reopen for tourism

As we already explained here some of South Pacific countries were both hit by new crisis due to coronavirus and hurricane, causing them damage. Although they do not have many cases of coronavirus themselves (except few, mostly in Fiji), they still suffered because they depend on tourism from worldwide…

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A double threat: Coronavirus and cyclone in the South Pacific during April 2020

Like pandemic is not enough, and few of the island countries in South Pacific experienced from dangerous cyclone as well! From April 1 was formed category 5 tropical cyclone named Harold. It affected Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga. Its full power lasted for about 10 days, then it got…

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During coronavirus crisis can be very dangerous for sailors in the islands

Yes, as this title says, even coronavirus can make danger to people without even affecting them. People have been reported to be stranded on their boats for weeks, even months due to countries closing their borders and ports during pandemic. As reported here man from Singapore was stranded in…

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This is Island News category about all current events and news which are happening regarding islands

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