Poisoner – Immoral man whose owned Dunk Island for years

POISONER - Peter Bond, a rich man whose firm Linc Energy was worth over a billion, and he weighed about half a billion. His company collapsed after it was determined that it was causing a dangerous problem and polluting the environment. The Australian Minister for the Environment described it literally…

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Great Keppel Island issues

(About Great Keppel Island here https://tropicalislands.net/great-keppel-island/ ) As one of the most famous islands in Queensland, Great Keppel Island is not without issues as well. Here we have an example of potential risk and treat for the environment, and this is just one of many examples, not just in Australia…

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Direct examples of main ecological problems

Plastic trash on beaches. The worst is on Henderson Island (in Pitcern Islands, South Pacific) where sea currents eject plastic at the coast. In 2017, scientists wrote in the report that there were an estimated 38 million plastic garbage on the island and weighing about 18 tons. They say that…

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Ecological problems in islands and atolls

Unfortunately, even the remote isolated tropics are not without problems. People used to massively cut down jungles, vegetation, polluting the islands. Especially when the colonialists came, the problems increased. The colonialists brought rats with their ships. To the rats, the tropical climate suited them, so they quickly swarmed, destroying domestic…

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Solving problems

Solving problems is often a lengthy process, and it takes a lot of effort to see some results. Environmental movements, agencies and states have invested a lot of effort and money to protect nature in the islands, protect atolls, reefs and the aquatic world as much as possible. Through laws…

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About problems and solutions

In this category we write about ecological problems and their solutions in the islands (some direct examples of ecological disasters, some direct examples of solving, healing etc...)

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