Solving problems

Solving problems is often a lengthy process, and it takes a lot of effort to see some results.

Environmental movements, agencies and states have invested a lot of effort and money to protect nature in the islands, protect atolls, reefs and the aquatic world as much as possible. Through laws and regulations, states protected certain areas by prohibiting the dumping of garbage on the islands, fishing, prohibiting fishing vessels around the island and atoll from fishing and fishing to prevent damage to the coral, the world rebuilt. In the islands themselves, many have conservation, national park status, or the like, meaning there are scientists on the island who regularly sample, test for improvement, and somewhere is partially or completely denied access to people other than island staff. Also in many islands the extermination of pests, rats, has started.

UNESCO has even designed the World Heritage Status, a World Heritage Status where many places, islands and atolls are under special protection, because of their great importance to nature and humanity, where damage is treated as a huge crime and subject to special laws.

Across the world, conservation groups send volunteers to clean the islands as periodically as possible through the various groups. Appeals and campaigns are being made through television, the Internet and other media to preserve the environment.

The islands use the so-called eco-tourism, where hotels, resorts and other buildings are made of non-polluting materials and minimize emissions where possible.

In many low atolls threatened by rising sea levels have been planted mangroves to serve as a shield.

It all gave some effect, in some places remarkable results. But on a broad scale, on a global scale, this is very small and insufficient. Much more effort must be made.

More and detailed ,,battles for nature“ will be explained further.