Facebook Group ,,Private Islands for Sale” is closed

The post can be seen here https://www.facebook.com/groups/PrivateIslandsforSale

Unfortunately this happened for real, suddenly, without any reason, sense and logic. Alfredo told me himself. This man is professional real estate agent and was in charge of selling Big Darby Island (he is real life friend with owner of that island). And he promoted this island normally from time to time until recently. Suddenly he cannot make the post promoting that island because Facebook faulty system thinks that its spam! And he tried for days to contact people in Facebook, reporting this bug or whatever it is, and nobody replied!

Yes, Creator of the group cannot post in his own PRIVATE group promoting HIS OWN listing he was legally set up on because for some unknown reason the system thinks it is spam! And what is the worst of this all there is nobody willing to respond, to talk to him at least regarding this matter. I spoke a few times during last few days with Alfredo regarding this matter, he explained me that he tries for days to contact them with no effort at all.

But I will tell you something, since I was administrator there. There were lot of bugs and errors on system. When I reported bugs and errors few times myself, nobody replied me as well, then I stop reporting anything to them as it was pointless. BUT! Once in my profile I reported some add/marketing I though it is bad, and they responded me very quickly, answering me that they inspected this and saw no reason for reporting it!

Hey! When you report something WHICH IS PAID, then they  can hear you, as money is involved, and since our group is ,,free”, Alfredo did not pay anything to them, seems that in that case it does not matter. Corporative rats just care about money, more money despite being a billionaires! Pay to win, pay to survive it seems. This smells like sabotage to me (from immoral competition most likely, maybe they were falsely reporting group and plotting), as the group had over 20 thousand members. Now, when group is gone, people will have to go elsewhere… But this is just my personal opinion, note that what I speak here may not be accurate 100% in this paragraph. But for me its logical.

Anyway, the group is done, and since many of articles from this blog was there, many people from there used to read our blogposts here (in some cases we had over 1500 views per post!), it affected badly our blog as well! It was an honor to be there in the group! And that Facebook became one joke, their staff are ,,a bunch of clowns” (quote from Alfredo)! Thank you for reading.