Top Picks: Active members

Hello people! As I told, we will have rapid fire these days. As we celebrate the anniversary of the group and blog, we will promote more stuff. Here, we have top picks about the most active members in various categories. We have many members (since the group has 18,8 thousand…

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Top Picks: 3 agents with the most assets on sale

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Regarding the anniversary of the blog and group, Dani Bananice celebration, I just pick top 3 active agents with the most asset sale in our group ,,Private Islands for Sale". We have literally tons of assets and sellers/promoters/agents, but those three are on the list for…

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Anniversary Fest opened

As we mentioned recently here we just opened ,,Dani Bananice" officially today. I just made new ,,Featured Islands" list which includes Snata Catalina Island, 28 Acres Barbary Beach parcel, East Morgan Key, Beachfront House, and Pine Island. As usual, our lists include various assets from different parts of the…

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Upcoming ,,Dani Bananice” celebration

So, we celebrate multiple happenings. Next week we will have increased activity. Blog officially started in 26. April 2020 (although I wrote and prepared some articles before), and since it is in spring, we celebrate the anniversary in mid-summer, in July. Also, it passed exactly 6 months since how I…

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The academic council accepted my conceptual project for the masters thesis

Good news! The academic council at Teacher's University just accepted my ,,idea project"/conceptual project for masterwork thesis. The name of the thesis in literal translation is ,,Games in the summer period with children of younger school age", and yes, partially is related to this blog and type of work since…

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Conversation with Professor Momcilovic

Today I had the honor to speak with my professional mentor, Professor Dr. Vladimir Momčilović. We were discussing about my upcoming masterwork, this blog ,,Tropical Islands", and my work here (especially since it started from my university research), and my work in the group ,,Private Islands for Sale". Vladimir was…

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Private Islands for Sale – 5 featured Islands 11.May.2022

Hello, this is our ,,Featured Islands" feature for today 14.4.2022. As usual, we help our members from ,,Private Islands for Sale" group (where I am a moderator) to promote their islands, for free of course. Both on the group and here on our blog. You can visit group here (have…

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Private Islands for Sale – 5 featured Islands 14.4.2022

Hello! it is time now for new ,,Featured Islands" (for 14. April) as our unique way to promote our member's assets both on ,,Private Islands for Sale" facebook group and ,,Tropical Islands" blog. As usual, we try to make the list diversified, covering assets from various regions worldwide. There are…

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Conversation with Alisha Patel from Private Island Podcast

Good news! I was just called tonight by a famous lady, Alisha Patel from Private Island Podcast and we had a good conversation. She had suddenly the idea to talk to me, that was a pleasant surprise. Alisha is doing professional podcasts and interviews with various famous people (she…

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List of all our interviews

Hello ladies and gentlemen! In this blogpost, I will gather all interviews to be here in one place (with their appropriate images and links) for better findings. Augusto Berrio Interview: Mauro Bersani Interview: Gareth Johnson Interview: Oliver A. Fernandez Interview: Joshua Darling Interview: Ntongo Joan…

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