International Earth Day

Earth Day, celebrated on April 22 each year, is a global holiday dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of protecting our planet. It was first celebrated in 1970, and today over a billion people in more than 190 countries participate in it. The aim of Earth Day is to draw attention to the environmental problems facing our planet, such as climate change, pollution and loss of biodiversity. It is also a day when people around the world are encouraged to take action and make changes in their lives to protect the environment. This year, the theme of Earth Day is “Securing the future of our planet.” The focus is on taking urgent measures to solve the climate crisis and protect our planet for future generations. And of course, as we write about tropical islands, it is a special day to us as well.

In January 1970, US Senator and environmental activist Gaylord Nelson decided that the national environmental education should be called Earth Day and be held on April 22. In an age of political activism and student protests, Earth Day attracts many reporters to cover it. Senator Nelson leaves the organization to the students and selects Denis Hayes as coordinator. Many citizens joined in and Earth Day as a “holiday” became very successful in the United States of America.