Since we started a blog, we have been working a lot, to bring word about environmental protection on tropical islands… We presented a lot of islands so far, and, logically, some of those articles are visible on search engines such as Google and weaker, but still decent ones such as bing, yahoo…
It is heavy competition, but we managed to get on google on the first page for several posts, even at top rankings such as 1-5 places! We present to you one of the most notable articles:
The Duke Group Archipelago – It is currently the second number on the first page in Google!

According to the analytics, most of the people here who read our article about this archipelago are from Australia, USA and UK. Article is here https://tropicalislands.net/the-duke-group-archipelago/
Motu Matatahi – This small islet is also in a good position in Google. Regardless that it is small in size, it was quite popular for the last few years, and it was present in many articles worldwide.

Articles about island can be found here and here https://tropicalislands.net/motu-matatahi/ and here https://tropicalislands.net/motu-matatahi-association/ (I was part of Motu Matatahi Association as their Island Consulter)
Malima Islets – FIRST ON GOOGLE SEARCH! Those are lesser famous islands, but located in awesome position because its first neighbors are famous Vanua Balavu in Fiji, VatuVara Private Islands (VatuVara, Yacata, Kaibu and Kanacea; owned by billionaire Jim Jannard. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, while royals spent the night there), Mago Island owned by Mel Gibson, Katafanga Island (Fiji Airways/Air Pacific started from there), famous and ,,heavy category class islands”

Pinaki Atoll – this small, cool atoll is on 4. ranking on the first page.

Wailagilala Atoll – 8. place. This one is relative famous as it is considered the only ,,true atoll” in Fiji.

This is just a regular search on google. We do not even count tons of images from various islands in our articles scattered across Google. For bigger pictures, we have gallery https://tropicalislands.net/our-blog-on-search-engines-gallery/
I made a list of other top rankings, including bing and yahoo. Because Google is the top search engine, being on the first page means a lot. The second is Okay, decent, and I included even the third page in lists (which is barely satisfying). In some exceptional cases I put 4. and 5. page if those islands are of ,,strategic” value to us, as I put lot of effort to write about them, and they are famous. Regarding Yahoo and Bing, only the first page is included, since they are much weaker.
Places in search engines in list:
(In Google we counted in 1,2,3 pages mostly, but only the first page in yahoo and bing)
The Duke Group Archipelago
Google: 2 <— first page, awesome!
Bing: 2
Yahoo: 4
Motu Matatahi
Google: 7 <— first page, awesome!
Bing: 2
Yahoo: /
Malima Islets
Google: 1 <— first page, awesome!
Bing: 1
Yahoo: 1
Pinaki Atoll
Google: 4 <— first page, awesome!
Bing: 2
Yahoo: /
Wailagilala Atoll
Google: 8 <— first page, awesome!
Bing: 3
Yahoo: 3
Nanukulevu Island
Google: decent, second page 8
Bing: 4
Yahoo: /
Tuvuca Island
Google: decent, second page 5
Bing: 2
Yahoo: /
Naitauba Island
Google: third page 6
Bing: 4
Yahoo: /
Mago Island
Google: third page 8
Bing: 2
Yahoo: 4
Katafanga Island
Google: fourth page 8
Bing: 8
Yahoo: 5
Vatuvara Island
Google: fifth page 7
Bing: 5
Yahoo: 4
Yacata and Kaibu Islands
Google: third page, 5
Bing: 1
Yahoo: 8 (but under Vatuvara Island)
Kanacea Island
Google: third page, 4
Bing: 2
Yahoo: 2
Adavaci Island
Google: third page, 4
Bing: 1
Yahoo: /
Nananu-i-cake Island
Google: decent, second page 6
Bing: 2
Yahoo: /
SauSau (Exile) Island
Google: 3 <— first page, it is good, although people more search names separately
Bing: 1
Yahoo: /
Tivi Island
Google: decent, second page 8
Bing: /
Yahoo: /
Mociu Island
Google: decent, second page 2
Bing: 7
Yahoo: /
Kadamo Island
First in both google and bing, although we have to be fair here. Perhaps the real name is Kadomo, not Kadamo as I wrote, and due to one misspelled letter, we accidentally went first on google. Second on google is it’s gallery.
Nukutepipi Atoll
Google: fifth page 7
Bing: 4
Yahoo: /
Nukutavake Island, AkiAki Island and Vahitahi Atoll (those are three under one article)
Nukutavake Island
Google: decent, second page 2
Bing: 2
Yahoo: /
AkiAki Island
Google: 3 <— first page, awesome!
Bing: 2
Yahoo: /
Vahitahi Atoll
Google: third page 9
Bing: 6
Yahoo: 11
Other rankings which appear on bing only (seems that bing likes us a lot):
Poole Island – 8. place
Ringgold Isles – 2. place
Macauta Island – 4. place
Vatu-I-Ra Island – 2. place
Tikina-I-Ra – 2. place
Eori Island – 2. place
Yadua Island – 1. place
Rapa Iti Island – 5. place
Niau Atoll – 4. place
Manuhangi Atoll – 4. place
NengoNengo Atoll – 4. place
Taiaro Atoll – 2. place
Mehetia Island – 2. place

And this is us, responsible for this. I am writing articles, doing researches, images etc… My Sonja is an expert in SEO, and hosts this site and does technical aspects of it. It is also worth mentioning my close relative, Ivan Komatina, an IT sector expert, who is here partially ,,from time to time”, giving us advice from his area of knowledge.