Nanukulevu or Nanuku Levu Island is located just about halfway between both Laucala Island and Wailagilala Atoll good location. It’s area is about 13,50 acres (5ha), and dimensions are about 500mX165m, and has a protective reef around it, and is surrounded with nice white sandy beaches, turquoise waters, nice vegetation, coconuts…

Solar power, wi-fi access, a desalination plant and sewage systems are installed on the island, and big house/villa is about 90% finished (it is made from native vesi wood). It has a few smaller houses as well. The island is a breeding ground for endangered turtles.

POST UPDATE: 25. November 2021.
I have just found out that Nanuku Levu Island got new economic potential, and got ready and functional meantime! That beautiful villa is being finished and soon, it will receive new guests! The island also has its own website now with information about the island and house. They also got tons of new images, and video (which I will update further here). Guests there will enjoy the island, not just those seeking tropical isolation and enjoyment, but also those who enjoy snorkel and diving, since the island lies on the south edge of the 50 km long Heemskerg reef, having nice corals and marine life. Nanuku Levu Island is being promoted as fantastic for groups (friends or family). They offer good food and drinks to fulfill stay there.